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How to donate

Donations can be made to St. Gabriel's church multiple ways.


Offering Envelopes

Offering envelopes are a traditional way to donate to the church, and many people still prefer this. You can contact the parish office to receive your own personalized offering envelopes.

Forgot your envelope at home? No problem! There are spare envelopes for visitors or anyone who just forgot!

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E-transfer's are some people's favorite way to donate. It can be used as a one time donation, regular donation or special events like raffles. Simply put what you're sending money for

(ex: "Building Fund" or "General Collections") in the memo line and

e-transfer to No security question needed. 

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PAD (Pre-Authorized Debit) is the most efficient and easy way to donate. Every month on the 1st, whatever amount you choose will be automatically donated. Even on weeks you can't make it to church, your donation is still being made. You can change the amount anytime you want! Print these forms, fill them out and leave them in the collection basket. There are printed forms in the church. 

PAD forms are located below. If you already donate through PAD and would like to change your donation amount, please fill out form #2. All forms can be scanned to the office or left in the donation basket at Mass. 

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